Maison du Mouvement 

Vendredis 17:00-18:30


Atelier d´expression scénique pour les 8-12 ans.


170 euros l'année:

Inscriptions ici

(pass´sport possible)


Maison du Mouvement

75 route de Schirmeck

67200 Strasbourg

Dance and Speak

Today we have done some exercises on speaking and moving - both at the same time. It was funny to see that when we made slow moves we had the tendency to talk really quiet. It's difficult to dance while speaking at all, I also wanted to do some gestures all the time that support what I was saying. Anyway it could be very interesting to create a choreography that combines gestures and voices, to play with noises, phrases and bodylanguage. (I'm quite sure that it has already been done but don't let me get depressed because somebody had all my ideas before I was actually born...)


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