Maison du Mouvement 

Vendredis 17:00-18:30


Atelier d´expression scénique pour les 8-12 ans.


170 euros l'année:

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(pass´sport possible)


Maison du Mouvement

75 route de Schirmeck

67200 Strasbourg

Kult Rythmus Kunst

I begun to read a book about Dance History that my friend found : "TANZ , Kult Rythmus, Kunst" I'm not finished yet at all but I would like to share an idea. I like to think that dance is coming because of hunger. In the book they speak about the first drawing on the wall of the cavern and how we start to represent movement, it's begun by reproducing the speed of the animal at a hunting scene. But I was thinking that maybe we start to organise our moves like a choreographie for the hunting. So that hunger make us think moves in the space.

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